Plant a Tree in Israel: What to Expect

One of the most selfless things a person can do is something that will make a greater impact for the next generation than it does for their own. That’s exactly what you can do when you plant a tree in Israel. There are a lot of different options in how and where you can plant a tree in Israel. Here’s what you can expect when you work with the Greening Israel Project.

Two volunteers plant a tree in Israel

Imagine Yourself in the Land of Israel

As the wind blows through the mountains and valleys of Israel, a glimpse of restoration is vividly seen and goosebumps of excitement begin to form on your arms. The brisk mornings will increase the intensity of this spiritual and physical thrill. Before you can finish contemplating the magnitude of the impact your actions will have, you set to work. It’s a simple thing really; you’re planting a tree in a deforested area. As the work continues however, the depth of your actions begin to sink in. 

To Plant a Tree in Israel is to Experience New Spiritual Heights

The first step of planting is to choose a spot to dedicate your tree and begin to dig in the precious, holy soil. As you dig, you suddenly realize that you’re stepping into an age-old prophecy. The Bible foretells of the forests of Israel being replanted and, in this first, small action, you’re directly being a part of its fulfillment. Upon this realization, your dirty, soil-covered hands become far more special.

The most treasured part of the process is removing the young sapling from its pot and tenderly placing it into the freshly dug hole. This act changes the barren and brown soil into a bright spot of life. As you begin to move on, you’re able to look back at your newly planted tree and imagine the future that will be affiliated with it. You begin to imagine families having picnics under the trees, the fruit that may be harvested and placed on dinner tables, and children playing and swinging from the tree. If you look carefully, you may even be able to see your own children and grandchildren enjoying the fruit of your labor.

Planting a Tree is an Investment in the Future

Faith can be expressed and shown in countless different ways. Sometimes it may take on the appearance of changing jobs or moving to a new city or country. While those are good things, sometimes the greatest acts of faith are the small and simple ones. 

Volunteer holds new sapling during a tree planting volunteer project in Israel

Many people wouldn’t consider it a big act of faith to plant a tree in Israel. Once you’ve planted a tree however, you’ll quickly realize how important it is, but at the same time, what an act of faith it is. You may begin asking yourself questions such as: 

  • Will there be a drought?
  • Will there be a fire?
  • Will these trees be uprooted to make way for a city? 
  • Will my tree survive at all?

Once you begin to think about how easily trees can die, suddenly, planting a tree becomes a leap of faith. By taking on this action, you’re able to stand in faith that it will live, grow, and one day become a forest. 

Part of what makes this modest action so selfless is that you may not see the complete fruition of your labors. Seeing a tree grow to ten feet tall and restoring a barren land takes time and you most likely will not see the fullness of your efforts. However, this is what makes planting a tree in Israel so special. You may not see the fruit, but you have the faith to know that your children, grandchildren, and future generations will. The beauty is that though you may not get to personally hang your hammock up on this tree, you are planting with the intention that future generations will.

How Can I Plant a Tree in Israel? 

Now that you have seen the physical and spiritual impact that it makes to plant a tree in Israel, you may be asking yourself this question: “How do I plant a tree in Israel?”

Good news! You can plant a tree with the Greening Israel Project. You can make this generational impact right here in Israel with us for a single day or for a multi-week volunteer program in Israel! Your friends and neighbors may not understand, but you can know with full certainty that you will be creating a better environment for future generations while also fulfilling biblical prophecy.

A group of volunteers gathers to plant trees on a mountainside in Israel

Why add another year to the amount of time it will take for the forests to be regrown? Come plant a tree in Israel with us today and make an impact that will last for multiple lifetimes! Click here to check out our various tree planting options and opportunities.

Peyton Chapman is originally from Amarillo, TX. She works full-time for HaYovel and The Israel Guys as an article author, customer support representative, and in donor relations. Additionally, she serves in various operations on the ground in Israel as needed.

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